The Professional Workshop of Honey Production & Standardization “MELLIN” is a family business and was founded in Malandrino Doris 2014. Dating back in 1953, Constadine Panayiotopoulos, a firefighter and tailor, a nature and healthy diet enthusiast, started occupying himself with beekeeping. Afterwards, with his son-in-law’s aid, Athanasios, an agriculturalist, they managed to develop the beekeeping business and their effort is still going on up to now. The third-generation beekeepers Yannis and Constadine Rellos, are now coming to complete the effort started 63 years ago. The permanent apiary is located on “Raches” at the foot of Mt Giona, in the Municipality of Delphi. The Wider area is covered with fir forests to a large extent and a lot of species of wild flowers and thyme thrive, as well. Mount Giona and the coastal area of Itea , Galaxidi up Nafpaktos belong to the European ecological network of regions Natura 2000, so into the ground of bee movement there are no arable areas so there is no possibility of their access to fertilizers. The low content in HMF, which constitutes an indicator of the ultimate quality of our honeys, the controlled small-production as well as the verticalized procedure of production give you the opportunity to taste some honeys of an excellent quality. The Professional Workshop of Honey Production & Standardization with approval code 07SM1 and being certified organic, applies food safety HACCP system as required by Greek and European legislation.
• Organic honey Fir with Thyme “MELLIN”: Where the fir forest meets the thyme fields on Mt Giona in the Municipality of Delphi, our permanent bee workshop is located. This rare natural coexistence results in our fir and thyme honey of a limited production which is a worldwide innovation and is available in luxurious numbered packages. Awarded with the highest prize , 3 gold stars ,ranking it amongst the elite of 1% from 12,366 entries at the international contest Great Taste Awards 2017 in the UK. and twice with 1 gold star in 2015 and 2016. It is one of the best organic honeys in the world, after winning a gold medal in Biolmiel 2018 and a silver medal in Biolmiel 2016, the unique quality competition for organic honeys, in Italy.
• Organic fir honey “MELLIN” is produced among the high peaks and the dense fir forests of Mt Ghiona of the Municipality of Delphi, at an altitude of 2,508 m. It contains over 90 wild herbs, mint, trifolioum,etc Awarded with 1 gold star in the international contest Great Taste Awards 2017 in London. It is one of the best organic honeys in the world, after winning two silver medals in Biolmiel 2016 & 2017, the unique quality competition for organic honeys, in Italy.
• Organic thyme honey “MELLIN” is produced in an area with a view of the Delphi landscape and the sea, in the thyme fields of Galaxidi of the Municipality of Delphi. It contains over 50 herbs and trees such as almond,oak, etc.
The application of the food security system HACCP as well as the continuous controls of the product result in a honey of premium quality.
Awarded with 2 gold stars in the international contest Great Taste Awards 2017 and with 1 gold star in 2016. It is one of the best organic honeys in the world, after winning a gold medal in Biolmiel 2018, the unique quality competition for organic honeys, in Italy.
- 2018: Biolmiel – gold medal for Mellin – Premium Organic Fir with Thyme Honey
- 2018: Biolmiel – gold medal for Mellin – Premium Organic Thyme Honey
- 2017: Great Taste Awards – Three gold stars for Mellin – Premium Organic Greek Honey Fir with Thyme
- 2017: Great Taste Awards – Two gold stars for Mellin – Premium Organic Greek Thyme Honey
- 2017: Great Taste Awards – One gold star for Mellin – Premium Organic Greek Fir Honey
- 2017: Biolmiel – silver medal for Mellin – Premium Organic Fir Honey
- 2016: Great Taste Awards – One gold star for Mellin – Premium Greek Thyme Honey
- 2016: Great Taste Awards – One gold star for Mellin – Premium Greek Honey Fir with Thyme
- 2016: Biolmiel – silver medal for Mellin – Premium Organic Fir with Thyme Honey
- 2016: Biolmiel – silver medal for Mellin – Premium Organic Fir Honey
- 2016: Best Launching award
- 2015: Great Taste Awards – One gold star for Mellin – Premium Greek Honey Fir with Thyme
Malandrino Doridos
Τ.Κ. 33053
Malandrino Doridos
Τ.Κ. 33053