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Daremas Bakery

At the end of 1800 our grandfather Konstantinos Daremas opens a grocery store in Markopoulo, Attica. Georgios and Sophia Darema in 1950 turn it into an oven. Since then it has been operating seamlessly and manufactures hand made pastries made from extra virgin olive oil and our organic production wine.

With their hard work and their principles, the dedication to tradition, quality and the best possible customer service began to make the bakery more widely known beyond the boundaries of the city of Markopoulo. This was also the result of the production of a variety of distinct products, most notably the well-known Mustache Oil Dried.

After more than half a century of operation, we continue and move on with the same principles as our parents have grown. Fragrant buns, fresh bread, delicious brioches, as well as a variety of different pastries such as toast, breadcrumbs, nuts and various puff pastry products come out every day from our oven and continue to fill with smells throughout the city and with beautiful memories the whole of the people who have trusted their diet so far.

The Darema bakery continues to exist in Markopoulou’s central square, making it a taste for it every time.

Adress: Σουνίου 2, Μαρκόπουλο Αττικής

Email : info@daremas.gr

Website : www.daremas.gr


Daremas Bakery

Σουνίου 2, Μαρκόπουλο Αττικής