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Rizes Greek Delicatessen

Rizes (roots) has sprung out of our deep love for tasty Greek food products made with the best raw materials. The choice of the name has not been an arbitrary one. It vests this undertaking with a double symbolism but points to a single direction, that of return. Return to the roots of Greek land, to our agricultural wealth, to our Greek agricultural products of exceptional quality and exquisite taste. Return to the roots of Greek cuisine, which is a pillar of Mediterranean diet. For us traditional products are the ones which are handmade with respect to traditional recipes or inspired by them with a more personal or modern approach, without the use of mechanical means, with exceptional quality raw materials but above all without the use of additives and conservatives. This is our definition of Greek delicatessen. We would therefore like to introduce ourselves as an artisan food family run and owned company of Greek delicatessen products. We cook with personal care and enthusiasm using 100% natural products. We use traditional and family recipes respecting the quality principles of Greek Mediterranean Diet.

Rizes Greek Delicatessen

Great density pastes, pâtés and sauces with sweet red pepper (of Florina) as their main ingredient. They are prepared during September and October when the peppers are ripe in Western Macedonia. The peppers are charcoal grilled, peeled, seeded by hand and, after they are ground, they simmer for hours in pots together with the rest of the ingredients. Extra virgin olive oil is used in all our recipes whose common characteristic is the unique smoked flavour of charcoal grilled pepper. The high degree of ingredient density, between 70% and 80%, makes the spreads special and brings out their taste and fragrance. Their ingredients and their preparation are based on traditional and family recipes from Florina and Pella. They are 100% natural and handmade without preservatives and industrially processed ingredients.


Rizes Greek Delicatessen

Η Rizes Greek Delicatessen διαθέτει πιστοποίηση ΕΛΟΤ ΕΝ ΙSO 22000:2005 και έχει αποσπάσει συνολικα 12 βραβεία στα Great Taste Awards από το 2014 κι έως το 2019. Επίσης έχει αποσπάσει το Αργυρό βραβείο στο διαγωνισμό συσκευασίας του φεστιβάλ «Ελλάδα, Γιορτή, Γεύσεις Άνοιξη 2015» και 2ο βραβείο στην κατηγορία «Καινοτομία και ανάπτυξη της υπαίθρου», του Προγράμματος Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης 2007-2013.

Rizes Greek Delicatessen is certified with the ELOT EN ISO 22000: 2005 and has won a total of 12 awards at the Great Taste Awards from 2014 to 2019. It has also won the Silver Award in the packaging competition of the “Greece, Feast, Tastes – Spring 2015” exhibition and 2nd prize in the category “Innovation and rural development”, of the Rural Development Program 2007-2013 .

Rizes Greek Delicatessen

Destination: Macedonia

Our premises are located in Western Macedonia, in the village of Krokos in Kozani.

The company is collaborating directly, without distributors, with over 130 delicateesen shops all over Greece. It exports to England, the Netherlands, France, Luxembourg, Germany and Cyprus.