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Sigri Olive Mill

An Oil press of traditional architecture with stones and other natural building materials found on the island of Lesvos. An advanced oil mill, combining tradition with technology.

A dedicated, energetic and skilled team, focused on sustainability and an ethical work culture.
They have developed the Oleve brand, a family of premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil and a carefully selected range of Healthy Functional Foods, including extra virgin olive oil, honey, olives, tea, sun-dried tomatoes, salt agave syrup with hibiscus, organic matcha, organic cocoa and more.

They have their own facilities and together with the Research and Development department, consisting of food technologists, marketing experts, chefs and nutritionists, they create products and formulate recipes to share with their end customers.

By giving life to a remote village, they are not only supporting the local community, but are trying to build a point of education and development to promote their sustainable practices globally.

12 Growing varieties
Mediterranean Climate & Microclimate of Sigri
Temperature: between 4 C 33 C Ideal for olive trees
Sun: Lesvos has the highest percentage of sunshine in the Mediterranean
Fertilization with organic algae Posidonia Compost to protect trees from diseases
Exceptional olive groves High quality harvesting method
Original process in our mill
Storage in excellent conditions
Standardization & Bottling according to high standard procedures

Address: Sigri Olive Mill, Σίγρι, Λέσβος

Phone number: 2109653580

email: info@sigriolivemill.health

Website: https://sigriolivemill.health/el/